The Chase Benefice
The Parish Giving Scheme is simple and easy to set up, saves on administration within the Benefice and, with the additional advantage that donors can increase their giving by inflation automatically each year, safeguards against static giving. But the real advantage for us, during this period of ‘lockdown’ and the suspension of public worship, has been that our regular planned giving has remained the same! This has been an unexpected blessing and we are so grateful to be part of the scheme. We commend it without hesitation!
The Rev'd Mark Abrey

All Saint's Church, Lightwater
We have found the Parish Giving Scheme to be a really helpful way of managing our planned giving programme. It reduces administration for the planned giving co-ordinator and treasurer, is easy for church members to use and helps with cash flow too. We would recommend it to any church.
Andrew & Chris

St James Church, Pokesdown
The Parish Giving Scheme really helps maintain cash flow, with no effort involved for Treasurers. PGS makes it easier to budget, based on committed, regular income, and is simple to set up and run. I thoroughly recommend it.
Carolyn Allen, Stewardship Promoter

The Parish of South Shoebury
Since adopting PGS in the Parish, not only has it regularised a large section of our giving, but it has enabled us to drop the use of Giving Envelopes. Our Gift Aid reclaim is now limited to a few large donations, again saving us time and effort.
St Andrews with St Peters, South Shoebury

St Cuthbert’s Church, Blyth
We launched PGS on Sunday 15 March 2020 – just before COVID-19 lockdown was imposed. Over the following few weeks, we had 27 requests to join the PGS. Of these, 11 were parishioners who normally give via standing order, but I am pleased to say that 16 of our envelope givers were able to move across to PGS too. This was a big success for us, and has helped to sustain our giving during this time.
David Anderson, Church Warden

St John’s Church, Hinckley
We were enthusiastic joiners of the scheme and it was amazing to see how simply the scheme worked from then on. We’ve had a gradual increase in the number of people giving through direct debit, and we’ve also used it when somebody new joins our church family. Our response is always - would you like to join the PGS? A large majority of our regular givers now use PGS, which has been a huge benefit to us and our work for God in Hinckley - less administration, improved cash flow, and automatic annual reminders for givers that inflation affects the church too!
Tim Render, Treasurer