How it works
Givers can set up a Direct Debit with PGS online, over the phone or by filling in a gift form at church. This can be made on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis. Each gift is restricted to a parish church chosen by the giver and cannot be used elsewhere. The gift will be passed back to the church of the giver's choosing by 10th of the month. Any eligible Gift Aid will be sent separately once it has been received from HMRC.
A unique feature of the scheme is the option for the giver to commit in principle to increase their gift annually in line with inflation. This is entirely at the giver's discretion on an opt-in basis, but it is proving popular - with more than 55% of the cash received currently index-linked.
Direct Debit Guarantee Scheme
The Direct Debit Guarantee Scheme protects gifts and is easy to set up and manage. All the PCC needs to do is pass a resolution to start the Scheme and show leadership by joining and encouraging others to join. The diocese covers the administrative cost, so it is free to churches and the Parish Giving Scheme does all the work.
How is Gift Aid claimed?
The gift is claimed through the Parish Giving Scheme and will be passed back to the parishes bank account by the 10th of the month. Any eligible Gift Aid will be sent separately once PGS has received it from HMRC (this usually takes 5–8 working days).
PGS is a charity and therefore the Gift Aid declaration is made to, and held by, the charity. If HMRC audits a church, they will audit PGS for all its PGS gifts to that church. However, you will still have to claim Gift Aid for any other gifts received directly by your parish.
If one of your givers becomes eligible to claim Gift Aid after starting their gift through the Parish Giving Scheme, they must complete a PGS Gift Aid Declaration.