Welcome to Woodchurch, Holy Cross
This Parish has not as yet registered with the Parish Giving Scheme and as such unfortunately you are not yet able to set up a direct debit or make a one-off gift to this Parish. If you would like to in the future, please 'Register your interest' and we will convey your interest onto the Parish.
HOLY CROSS WOODCHURCH: Growing disciples of ChristWelcome to Holy Cross Woodchurch.
8am Sunday Holy Communion10am Sunday Holy Communion
POSTPONED - Sunday Holy Communion or Evening Prayer (alternative week)
Wednesdays 10am Holy Communion
For further information for this week re groups and bible study please contact the parish office on 0151 677 5352 or email [email protected]
Or visit the website www.holycrosswoodchurch.uk
Telephone service
To hear a recorded service from Holy Cross via telephone please dial 0151 318 2533
God bless you!
You are always welcome to our Sunday services. Every week we meet at 8am for about an hour for a quiet service plus communion with no music and 10am for a service that has music and communion. This lasts about 75 minutes. Families are very welcome and we have activity bags for children and a small activity corner.
You don't have to be a long-standing member of our congregation to take part in any of our services or events - we'd be happy to welcome you anytime!
Holy Cross Parish Church has served the community of Woodchurch for many many years and we love being part of the glue in this vibrant community.
We are very grateful to all who support our life in any way - with their time, talents, and financial giving. Our fundraising efforts each year include fairs and social events and much other work by many committed people to safeguard our heritage and support the life of our church in our Parish.
Churches do not receive any government or statutory funding or regular financial support - everything is paid for by members of our congregation and others, who give regularly and faithfully to support our life, and by fees charged for other services.
Like other registered charities, we are able to claim Gift Aid refunds on donations made to us, and we seek grant funding from charities for major expenses. Our regular expenses include the upkeep of our listed church building, paying our contribution to the Diocese and central church funds (for clergy stipends and pensions and other administrative costs) as well as work done in the Parish. We seek in turn to support and give as much to charitable causes as we are able to.
"This parish is committed to safeguarding. Our PCC has adopted the diocesan safeguarding policy (https://www.chester.anglican.org/social-responsibility/safeguarding/) and our safeguarding officer is Mr Paul Mountford"
Data Privacy Notice
The PCC of Holy Cross, Woodchurch complies with its obligations under the "GDPR" by keeping personal data up to date; storing and destroying it securely; by not collecting or retaining excessive amounts of data; by protecting personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access, and disclosure and by ensuring that appropriate technical measures are in place to protect personal data.
For our Data Privacy Notice please click under "News" for our full document.
Every Sunday
8am - Holy Communion
10am - Parish Communion
12 Noon - Baptisms (by arrangement)
Mid Week Holy Communion - Wednesday
10am - Holy Communion
Parish name
Woodchurch, Holy Cross
Parish code
Chester Diocese
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