Whitby St Mary

Welcome to Whitby St Mary

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Saturday 1st March  10.30am Eucharist at St Mary's

Sunday before Lent 2nd March

9.30 am Eucharist at St Hilda's

11.15am Eucharist at St John's

6.00 pm Choral Evensong at St Hilda's

Tuesday 10.00am Eucharist at St Hilda's

Ash Wednesday 5th March

10.00am Eucharist in St Hilda's

7.00pm Sung Eucharist in St Hilda's

11.00am Prayer Walk from St Hilda's

12.30pm Mid Day Prayer at St Mary's

Thursday 10.00am Eucharist at St John's

Friday 10.00am Morning Prayer at St Hilda's

2.00pm Celtic worship at St Hilda's

Saturday 10.30am Eucharist at St Mary's

First Sunday of Lent 9th March

9.30 am Eucharist at St Hilda's

10.30am Folk Service at St John's

5.00pm Taize Worship at Whitby Mission 

Evening Prayer

Evening Prayer is normally said on Zoom at 5pm on most weekdays and 6pm on Saturday and available on Facebook afterwards For a link to the Zoom services and Bible study please email Fr Michael

Parish Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ChurchesinWhitby

Parish website www.parishofwhitbywithruswarp.co.uk

The Parish office is open 10am to 2pm Tuesday to Friday. Phone: 01947 606578 or email [email protected]

Parish Clergy

Fr Michael Gobbett: 01947 602590 [email protected]

Fr Paul Burnett 07917 880232 [email protected]

Evening Prayer

Evening Prayer is normally said on Zoom at 5pm on most weekdays and 6pm on Saturday and available on Facebook afterwards For a link to the Zoom services and Bible study please email Fr Michael

For a link to the Zoom services please email [email protected]

Parish Clergy

Fr Michael Gobbett: 01947 602590 [email protected]

Fr Paul Burnett 07917 880232 [email protected]

Parish Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ChurchesinWhitby Parish website www.parishofwhitbywithruswarp.co.uk

Evening Prayer

Evening Prayer is normally said on Zoom at 5pm on most weekdays and 6pm on Saturday and available on Facebook afterwards For a link to the Zoom services and Bible study please email Fr Michael

For a link to the Zoom services and Bible study please email [email protected]

Parish Face book page is https://www.facebook.com/ChurchesinWhitby

Parish website www.parishofwhitbywithruswarp.co.uk

Parish name

St Mary's Church Whitby

Parish code



York Diocese


Abbey Plain
YO22 4JT

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