Welcome to Westwick: St Botolph
This Parish has not as yet registered with the Parish Giving Scheme and as such unfortunately you are not yet able to set up a direct debit or make a one-off gift to this Parish. If you would like to in the future, please 'Register your interest' and we will convey your interest onto the Parish.
Seeking to weave faith, hope and love throughout our community.
Welcome to St Botolph's. We are a small church hidden in the grounds of Westwick Hall and in the care of the Diocesan Church Trust.
Services only take place here as advertised. The Church is usually kept locked, but we are very happy to ensure it's open for you to visit by prior appointment: please contact us!
Sign up for our e-NEWs here.
Funerals, Weddings and Baptisms may be booked: please call the Parish Office for details 01692 408971. Clergy contact details can be found here.
Inclusion Statement: We aspire to be a welcoming, inclusive and affirming Christian community, built on the understanding that God loves and accepts us equally, irrespective of gender, sexuality, race, culture, social standing, belief, age or ability - and believing that God calls us equally to share that unconditional love with all people, without exception.
Info on Blessings for marriages held elsewhere can be held in church , and we welcome ALL people who wish to celebrate these. Prayers of thanksgiving, dedication and asking for God's blessing for same-sex couples can be held in church from 17th December 2023.
Services from St Nicholas North Walsham are live-streamed to YouTube - search 'St Nicholas North Walsham.'
Parish name
Westwick: St Botolph
Parish code
Norwich Diocese
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