Walmsley Church

Welcome to Walmsley Church

This Parish has not as yet registered with the Parish Giving Scheme and as such unfortunately you are not yet able to set up a direct debit or make a one-off gift to this Parish. If you would like to in the future, please 'Register your interest' and we will convey your interest onto the Parish.

Walmsley Parish has two churches: Christ Church Walmsley, located on Blackburn Road in Egerton (BL7 9SA) and St. Andrew's Church, on John Street, Bromley Cross (BL7 9BA). We are in the PARISH of WALMSLEY, part of the TURTON MOORLAND TEAM of six churches and Bolton NE Mission Community.

"Building partnership in Christ, church and community"

PUBLIC WORSHIP is vibrant and active in WALMSLEY PARISH. Our weekly Sunday Services are at Christ Church Walmsley at 9.30am and at St. Andrew's Church, Bromley Cross at 11am where you will be made very welcome.  

At Christ Church Walmsley, we have a midweek Communion Service on a Wednesday at 11am. Please note

On the FIRST SUNDAY of the month at Christ Church Walmsley, we have a quiet, spoken Communion Service at 8am using the Book of Common Prayer. And then at 9.30am, our lively, FAMILY 'ALL AGE' SERVICE  - with music by RIVER OF LIFE and percussion accompaniments by the children.

2nd 4th 5th Sundays @ 6pm: You can join us for EVENSONG at Christ Church Walmsley

To regularly access and read the WALMSLEY PARISH E-NEWS, sent out monthly, with parish, team and community updates, worship resources, prayers, entries from our Book of Remembrance, pause for thought ...and much more, please use this link: https://us7.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=69d1128681eb7d6deb1d75d61&id=2b75b4f63e

To receive the regular WALMSLEY PARISH E-NEWS, please use this link: https://mailchi.mp/942906d23d5f/join-our-walmsley-parish-newsletter

As always, our heart-felt message to you is one of FAITH, HOPE, PEACE, JOY and LOVE.

You can visit our website here: www.walmsleyparish.org 

Parish name

Walmsley Church

Parish code





Blackburn Road



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