The Church of the Holy Spirit, Etching Hill, Rugeley, WS15 2YL

Welcome to The Church of the Holy Spirit, Etching Hill, Rugeley, WS15 2YL

This Parish has not as yet registered with the Parish Giving Scheme and as such unfortunately you are not yet able to set up a direct debit or make a one-off gift to this Parish. If you would like to in the future, please 'Register your interest' and we will convey your interest onto the Parish.

The Church of the Holy Spirit is a welcoming, inclusive and outward looking church, sharing the love of God through His son Jesus Christ. 

We are part of the Benefice of Brereton, Rugeley with Armitage, and we often join in with services and activities at one of the other churches during the year. Please do look at the other churches pages by clicking on More Information on the left side of this page to find out about all that is going on in the Parish.

Sundays at 10am 

You are all welcome any time to come and join us.

If you cannot make it to church in person we would like to suggest that you watch services from Lichfield Cathedral

The church is open for Private Prayer & Reflection on -

Tuesdays 11am - 1pm

Please feel free to come in for a moment of peace and quiet.

Place of WelcomeWe are OPEN for a free cuppa and biscuit on Tuesdays from 11am - 1pm - you are welcome to pop in for a chat and a bit of company. We are now also registered a Warm Welcome Space -

See the noticeboard outside church for the latest details for help & support, and visit the Benefice page on A Church Near You website -  or

We are also part of Churches Together WS15 please visit to find out more.

Updated 16th November 2024

Parish name

The Church of the Holy Spirit, Etching Hill, Rugeley, WS15 2YL

Parish code





Mount Road
Etching Hill
WS15 2TL

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