Welcome to Stevenage Holy Trinity
*Click for more information on giving
Regular Giving: You can set up a Direct Debit through PGS that collects your gift, Monthly, Quarterly or Annually. There are no processing fees, and you remain in control of your gift.
One-Off Gift: You can use a Debit, Credit card or your Google or Apple Pay wallet to make a single one-off gift to your chosen parish. The Parish pays a 1.5% transaction fee to cover the costs of processing.
This Parish is registered with the Parish Giving Scheme which allows you to give to this Parish securely and safely online. Please click 'Regular Giving' to set up a monthly, quarterly, or annual Direct Debit or ‘One-Off Gift’ to make a single gift using your Debit, Credit Card or Apple/Google Pay wallet.
Hello! Thank you for looking at our website. Holy Trinity is the parish church for much of Stevenage Old Town. The church is found towards the southern end of the High Street.
You can read more about us and our services under "about us" in the menu bar to the left here, or just come along on a Sunday for 9.45 am. You can also pop in during the week. Holy Trinity is open during the day Sunday - Thursday for individual prayer or quiet reflection, starting with a short service of weekday Morning Prayer at 8.15 am. We stream our Sunday services to YouTube, and Morning Prayer is also on Zoom, but please come in person if you can - we'd love to meet you.
We look forward to welcoming you at church, whether you'd like to worship God with us, are planning a christening or a wedding, or are simply curious.
Our parish also has Sunday services (and socials during the week) at Christ the King in Symonds Green.
Parish name
Holy Trinity
Parish code
St Albans Diocese
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*Click for more information on giving
Regular Giving: You can set up a Direct Debit through PGS that collects your gift, Monthly, Quarterly or Annually. There are no processing fees, and you remain in control of your gift.
One-Off Gift: You can use a Debit, Credit card or your Google or Apple Pay wallet to make a single one-off gift to your chosen parish. The Parish pays a 1.5% transaction fee to cover the costs of processing.