St Thomas of Canterbury Greatford

Welcome to St Thomas of Canterbury Greatford

This Parish has not as yet registered with the Parish Giving Scheme and as such unfortunately you are not yet able to set up a direct debit or make a one-off gift to this Parish. If you would like to in the future, please 'Register your interest' and we will convey your interest onto the Parish.

We usually have two services a month in our church dedicated to St Thomas of Canterbury, Greatford 

The Second Sunday at 9am a Service of Morning Prayer led by our Authorised Lay Minister, Geoff Radley

The Fourth Sunday at 9am a Service of Holy Communion (BCP) led by our Rector, Fr Aran Beesley

You will receive a very warm welcome from the churchwardens Donna and Lois and their deputy Nigel and the regular congregation of St Thomas!

Coffee and Tea will be served after both services, please stay and introduce yourself if you are new, All are Welcome!

The Parish Contact for Greatford is:

Lois Webb - [email protected]

St Thomas of Canterbury and most other churches in our group are open daily for quiet prayer, should for any reason St Thomas be closed, please contact Lois or Fr Aran and they will find a way to meet your needs.

Fr Aran continues to produce a pew sheet to help our prayers throughout the week. If you know anyone who would like to receive this then let us know and we can add them to our list. 

Parish name

St Thomas of Canterbury Greatford

Parish code



Lincoln Diocese


Main Street

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