St Peter's Chapel, Steane

Welcome to St Peter's Chapel, Steane

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St. Peter's Chapel is located in the grounds of Steane Park.

Steane Chapel is the Chapel of Ease to our main Church, Most Holy Trinity. The two parishes were combined in 1752 to create the parish of 'Hinton-in-the-Hedges with Steane', possibly one of the longest parish names in England (we can't compete with Wales). Whilst Holy Trinity is the parish church, St. Peter's holds six Evensong services a year, as well as a number of other events, weddings and baptisms. 

Built as a mortuary chapel for the family of a Bishop of Durham, Steane Chapel is architecturally fascinating. We hold our six Evensongs during the summer months as St. Peter's has no electricity, and we rely on the lighter summer evenings. 

A service at St. Peter's is a unique event that many enjoy, and the memories of which they treasure. We are not open daily, so it is only possible to visit when we are holding an event or a service. 

We would love to welcome you. Wherever you live, wherever you come from, you are invited to Steane!

Parish name

St Peter's Chapel, Steane

Parish code



Peterborough Diocese


Steane Park,
NN13 6DP


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