Welcome to St Mary the Virgin
This Parish has not as yet registered with the Parish Giving Scheme and as such unfortunately you are not yet able to set up a direct debit or make a one-off gift to this Parish. If you would like to in the future, please 'Register your interest' and we will convey your interest onto the Parish.
Welcome to the home page of St Mary's Church in Stevington. St Mary's is open for public worship daily from 10.00 am to 4.00pm. You are welcome to attend any of our services.
September 1 9:30 Patronal and Harvest Eucharist
September 8 9:30 Morning Prayer
September 15 9:30 Eucharist
September 22 5 pm Evening Prayer
September 29 10:30 Team Eucharist at Podington
October 6 9:30 Eucharist
October 13 9:30 Sharing Morning Prayer at Turvey
October 20 9:30 Eucharist
October 27 5 pm Evening Prayer
November 3 9:30 Sharing Patronal Eucharist at Turvey
November 10 10:45 Act of Remembrance Service at War Memorial
November 17 09:30 Eucharist
November 24 5 pm Evening Prayer
December 1 09:30 Eucharist
December 8 09:30 Sharing Eucharist at Turvey
December 15 16:00 Carol Service
December 22 5 pm Evening Prayer
December 24 Christmas Eve 21:30 Eucharist
December 25 Christmas Day 09:30 Eucharist at Turvey
December 29 10:30 Team Service 10:30 at Carlton
If you would like to contact the clergy, for any reason, or to discuss baptisms, weddings or funerals in our church building please email [email protected] and we would be delighted to hear from you.
Parish name
St Mary the Virgin
Parish code
St Albans Diocese
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