Welcome to St Mary's Ennerdale
This Parish has not as yet registered with the Parish Giving Scheme and as such unfortunately you are not yet able to set up a direct debit or make a one-off gift to this Parish. If you would like to in the future, please 'Register your interest' and we will convey your interest onto the Parish.
Welcome to our web pages!We hope you will be able to join us for worship, or just visit our beautiful church which is open during daylight hours.
A service of Holy Communion (Common Worship) is held at 9 a.m. on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month.
(On the 2nd and 4th Sundays in the month 9 a.m. Holy Communion is at St Michael's Lamplugh; 1st - 4th Sundays there is a service of some kind at Kirkland Mission Church at 11 a.m. If there is a 5th Sunday in the month, a Methodist communion service (but using Anglican wine) is held at one of the churches at 10.30 a.m.)
Parish name
St Mary's Ennerdale
Parish code
Carlisle Diocese
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