Welcome to St. Mary's, Berkley. Frome Somerset
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St Mary's Church, Berkley Frome. A small Church with a big heart - Everyone is very welcome at any of our services.
Berkley is mainly a scattered rural community with its church, St Mary's, and school at its centre. Berkley Church of England Voluntary Aided First School is a small village school which offers a nurturing environment where children flourish. The Church Family play a significant part in the life of the school. We have the opportunity to serve as foundation Governors. The School usually begins its week with a short act of worship in church and around four times a year the worship leader team and the school work together to plan joint services. We love it when the children help to lead the services. These include a Christingle service which is always lovely. Additionally the church is used as a teaching space for the school. The Church sits in an extensive churchyard and we have enjoyed worshipping outside on occasions during the pandemic, something we would like to continue. We meet for worship twice a month. Once for a Common Worship Communion Service and once for a Benefice All Age Service, which is rooted in Common Worship Service . On Sundays where we do not hold a service we join other services in the Benefice.Parish name
St. Mary's, Berkley. Frome Somerset
Parish code
Bath & Wells Diocese
BA11 5JH
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