Welcome to St Martin's, New Buckenham
This Parish has not as yet registered with the Parish Giving Scheme and as such unfortunately you are not yet able to set up a direct debit or make a one-off gift to this Parish. If you would like to in the future, please 'Register your interest' and we will convey your interest onto the Parish.
Our small congregation is keen to open our doors and welcome our neighbours and friends. We follow a monthly pattern of Eucharist, Sung Evensong and Services of the Word. We have a small but enthusiastic choir, the only one in the Benefice. St Martin's is also fortunate that members of the community have formed a team of regular cleaners and flower-arrangers. We are proud of the extensive second-hand bookshop, which raises funds and encourages footfall. As part of our outreach we run coffee mornings from April to October, raising funds for other charities. To further encourage use of the church for cultural and community events, Village & Vestry was set up as a "friends" group, raising funds for the fabric of St Martin's. St Martin's is in excellent repair, with toilet and simple kitchen facilities. The tower has a recently re-hung and augmented peel of 8 bells, popular with visiting teams.
New Buckenham is a vibrant community of approximately 400 residents. It arose on the skirts of the castle built around 1150 (now a ruin), and was once a flourishing market town. The entire Village is designated as a conservation area and, very unusually, retains its medieval street pattern. It has a flourishing shop with an outreach Post Office, pub, tea shop and garage, together with a residential nursing home. There is a modern village hall, well used by village and outside organisations, including visiting theatre groups and the village cinema.
Parish name
St Martin's, New Buckenham
Parish code
Norwich Diocese
New Buckenham
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