Welcome to St Eval
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Church Dedication: St Uvelus
You can be assured of a warm welcome at the peaceful church of St Eval. It stands almost alone with its 60ft tower visible for miles around, surrounded by the disused runways of RAF St Eval, an important Coastal Command airfield during the second world war.
Most of the hamlet of Churchtown was demolished to build the airfield. The church is normally open during daylight hours. If you tap in the post code PL27 7UG it should lead you to our large car park adjacent to the church.
you are welcome to join us for any of our Services. Please see full details of all forthcoming services in our Benefice.
A Flower Festival is held annually, normally on the last weekend in June. Talented ladies from the local area create a magnificent display and you can enjoy a variety of wonderful home made refreshments.
The church was enlarged in the mid 16th century and there is the remains of a medieval screen and an elaborately carved part of the Rood Screen base. The pulpit has been restored and the date 1638, together with the name of the Minister and Churchwardens can be seen on the base stringers. The Font is very plain and is from Norman times, as is one remaining window in the North wall. There are 23 carved bench-ends dating from the mid 16th century and at the back are three original pews.
The church has strong links with the Royal Air Force and there are 21 war graves in the churchyard that are maintained by the War Graves Commission. The contribution of the RAF in helping to preserve this ancient place of worship forms a fascinating chapter in the story of a building which dates back to Norman times, when the church was first built on the site of a Celtic shrine.
The Cornish Celtic Way is a pilgrimage route covering approximately 125 miles through Cornwall, from St. Germans to St. Michael's Mount. It incorporates over 60 miles of the coastal path as well as two established pilgrimage routes: The Saints' Way and St. Michael's Way. The Cornish Celtic Way is divided into 16 walks that can be done as a whole over about 12 days or can be completed in sections over a longer period of time. St Eval is a part of the Cornsh Celtic way route.
Parish name
St Eval
Parish code
Truro Diocese
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