St Barnabas Hadleigh

Welcome to St Barnabas Hadleigh

This Parish has not as yet registered with the Parish Giving Scheme and as such unfortunately you are not yet able to set up a direct debit or make a one-off gift to this Parish. If you would like to in the future, please 'Register your interest' and we will convey your interest onto the Parish.

Revd Ruth has now retired and the parish is awaiting a new priest to be appointed.

In the meantime the details of services and contacts are shown below.

St Barnabas

Sundays      9:30am Holy Communion  1st, 3rd and 5th

                     9.30am Morning Worship  2nd and 4th

St James the Less

Sunday Services begin at 11.00am and alternate with those at St Barnabas - i.e. Holy Communion on 2nd and 4th Sundays and Morning Worship on 1st and 3rd Sundays

Mondays   4:00  St Barnabas  Messy Church 2nd Monday of each      month - Craft Activities, Story & Song, Hot Meal for those who wish and it's FREE (donations welcome but only if you choose)

Wednesdays 10:30 Holy Communion Every week - Alternating between St Barnabas and St James

Keep in touch

Revd Pete (Area Dean): [email protected] 

Revd Mike (Retired Priest/Newsletter/Rota): [email protected]

Parish name

St Barnabas Hadleigh

Parish code



Chelmsford Diocese


Church Road/Woodfield Road

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