Welcome to St Andrew, South Thoresby
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We welcome you to Saint Andrew's Church, South Thoresby.The name of the village of South Thoresby derives from the Old Scandinavian Thorir+by, meaning "farmstead or village of a man called Thorir". It appears as Toresb in the 1086 Domesday Book.
There has been a church on the same site since medieval times. The inventory for the church dated 19th April 1548 reads that it possessed:1. A Sorplis (surplice...a priests garment)
2. A Cooppe ( possibly a cape style vestment worn by a priest or a Cup ie Chalice )
3. A Sacry Bell ( possibly a handbell rung during the service when the wine and wafer are consecrated)
4. IIJ Bells ( IIJ is the archaic form of the number 3 so there were three other bells most probably hand bells)
The Anglican Parish register dates from 1660. By 1735, the original medieval church of South Thoresby had fallen into ruin and was replaced by the present church, built in 1738 to seat approximately 100 people. It is built in English bond red brick to the Georgian style and appears to have been built directly on top of a larger medieval original.
The church is an Anglican parish church dedicated to St Andrew, the apostle. The church last underwent extensive repairs in 1872. It is a grade II* listed building. Recent exploration of the sealed crypt beneath the church reveals stone walls of medieval masonry. The original medieval stone flooring appears to have been removed and reused as the stone flooring along the aisle of the present church
The four stain glass windows each bearing three stain glass rosettes are believed to be Victorian in originThe church includes further features of significant interest:
- The font is 13-14th Century and may well be original to the church. It bears a number of etched witches marks (to ward off witches/evil spirits) and crudely etched boats synonymous with St Andrew who was a fisherman.
- The south doorway is of 6 panels, set in a Gibbsian surround with a pediment in the field of which is carved the date 1738.
- The octagonal pulpit dates from the 18th century. It formed part of a three decked pulpit, the second tier is the reading desk and the third tier was the organ stool ( now missing) the present location of the pulpit is not believed to be its original location.
- The delightful Venetian window on the east wall of the chancel allows light to flood into the church.
At some stage the church was heated by a fireplace with an external chimney (now removed). The location of the fireplace can be seen at the rear of the pews on the North wall between the stain glass windows.St Andrews is now classified as a Festival Church, which means that it is a church building that is not used for weekly worship but has at least three services a year including a patronal service and Christmas carols It is also valued & used by the community for local events as well as for Church Festivals, Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals.
If you are a believer, pray
If you are searching, reflect
If you have doubts, ask for light
If you are suffering, ask for strength
If you are tired, rest
If you are full of joy, give thanks
May you find here the power of God to strengthen you and the peace of God to enfold you
St Andrews Church at South Thoresby is a member of the Legbourne Woldmarsh group of churches
Further information about the history of St Andrews Church ,its events and exhibitions can be found on the face book page Angels at South Thoresby
Parish name
St Andrew, South Thoresby
Parish code
Lincoln Diocese
South Thoresby
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