St Andrew's Morley

Welcome to St Andrew's Morley

This Parish has not as yet registered with the Parish Giving Scheme and as such unfortunately you are not yet able to set up a direct debit or make a one-off gift to this Parish. If you would like to in the future, please 'Register your interest' and we will convey your interest onto the Parish.

We are a vibrant Anglican Church, DISCOVERING God's purpose in our community and in all the places we are called to serve. SHARING the love of Jesus in words and in actions through forming good relationships within the community. BELONGING to a worshipping community of faith that love and care for each other especially those who are new members.

We offer a service of Holy Communion (Eucharist) every Sunday (except the last Sunday of the month when we have a service of THANKSGIVING AND PRAISE WORSHIP instead). All our services on Sunday start at 10.00am. We also offer a mid week Holy Communion (Said Eucharist) service which starts at 9:30am every Wednesday. On the 2nd Sunday of each month we have an Evensong service at 6:30pm.

 A warm welcome awaits you at all of our services or events. We try to live by the teaching of Jesus, to love God and love each other. If you're new to Bruntcliffe, Morley and looking to join a lively, friendly Church, come along to one of our services and say hello. After the service the whole church meets for refreshments and fellowship in the Hall.

Parish name

St Andrew's Morley

Parish code



Leeds Diocese


St Andrews Ave
LS27 0LA


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