Welcome to Over Compton: St Michael
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St Michael's Church is a magnificent find. All three approaches bring you up or down private drives and you wonder whether satnav is having a laugh (I would avoid the drive from Nether Compton Village Hall as you are likely to disappear into the potholes never to return). But persevere as you will find a gem of a 15th century church nestling next to a Tudor style country house, a huge cedar of Lebanon and the largest Macrocarpa tree in Great Britain (thanks to the one in Montacute blowing over).
Inside the wagon ceilinged church you will find a 17th century triple decker pulpit aimed directly at the Goodden family chapel. A 15th century font, some fairly modern (Kempe & Co, 1906-7) stained glass, armaments and a splendidly lifelike statue of Robert Goodden add to a very rich mix. A moment taken reading the boards either side of the font won't be wasted.
Parish name
Over Compton: St Michael
Parish code
Salisbury Diocese
Over Compton
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