Nurstead: St Mildred

Welcome to Nurstead: St Mildred

This Parish has not as yet registered with the Parish Giving Scheme and as such unfortunately you are not yet able to set up a direct debit or make a one-off gift to this Parish. If you would like to in the future, please 'Register your interest' and we will convey your interest onto the Parish.

Welcome to the churches of St John the Baptist, Meopham and St Mildred's Nurstead.

Sunday 16th March

9.45am Generous Giving Sunday St John's Meopham

10:30am Holy Communion, Cobham

Please Note:- There will be no Flame this month

11.15am Churches' Prayer Meeting St John's Meopham

Sunday 23rd March

9.45am Holy Communion St John's Meopham

10:30am Holy Communion, Luddesdowne

11.30am Family Service St Mildred's Nurstead

Sunday 30th March Mothering Sunday

9.45am Mothering Sunday service St John's Meopham

10:30am Mothering Sunday Service, Cobham

4.00pm Mattins St Mildred's Nurstead

Sunday 6th April

9.45am All Age Worship St John's Church Meopham

11.30am Holy Communion St Mildred's Nurstead

Informal Morning Prayer Wednesday Midweek services at 9.30am

St Mary's Church Room, we hope! Contact 01474 814250 to confirm venue

Informal Morning Prayer 12th, 19th and 26th March

Midweek services at St John's Meopham

Monday and Tuesday Said Morning Prayer by Zoom at 9am. Details from the Rector

Wednesday morning, 10am St John's Centre, Holy Communion

* We are working more closely together so are showing information about services in all four parishes on this website

Follow this page, to find details of online services in Rochester Cathedral.

Thank you

Alyson Davie Rector: Meopham with Nurstead

St John the Baptist Church is an Anglican church in the Diocese of Rochester, Deanery of Cobham and a member of Meopham Churches Together.

For our safeguarding policy, please see tabs on the left hand side.

If you wish to get married in St Mildred's, please follow this page Your Church Wedding | The Church of England for more details regarding Church weddings.

Parish name

Nurstead: St Mildred

Parish code



Rochester Diocese


Nurstead Church Lane
DA13 9AD


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