Welcome to Hook

This Parish is registered with the Parish Giving Scheme which allows you to give to this Parish securely and safely online. Please click 'Regular Giving' to set up a monthly, quarterly, or annual Direct Debit or ‘One-Off Gift’ to make a single gift using your Debit, Credit Card or Apple/Google Pay wallet.

Giving is our response to our relationship with God. We are giving back out of what He has first given to us.

Regular gifts, such as those made through the Parish Giving Scheme, contribute to the mission of the church in our village of Hook, Hampshire.

If you have any questions, please email our Treasurer on [email protected].

Thank you for your financial support to help the church to be here for anyone in the Parish - whenever they need it.

St John the Evangelist is in the centre of Hook, in NE Hampshire.  We are also known as St John's.  For details see our website https://www.whitewaterchurches.co.uk

We are a family friendly local church community, seeking to offer worship of all different types and at different times of the week, alongside serving the schools, nursing homes and wider villages around Hook. We have a strong music tradition, of both choral and contemporary styles. We enjoy learning together from God's word, and have home study groups. We run Messy church, lunch club, and toddler group.

We are open every week for Sunday worship (our main Sunday service is also shared via Zoom). We invite you to join us. 

Please come back to ACNY, or to our website www.whitewaterchurches.co.uk or on facebook @StJohnHook for updates.  You will find all the details and latest news on the website each week - you can sign up to have our weekly notices emailed to you, or you can download from the home page on the website.

Parish name

St John the Evangelist, Hook

Parish code



Winchester Diocese


London Road,
RG27 9EG



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