Welcome to Holy Trinity & St Constantine Wetheral
This Parish has not as yet registered with the Parish Giving Scheme and as such unfortunately you are not yet able to set up a direct debit or make a one-off gift to this Parish. If you would like to in the future, please 'Register your interest' and we will convey your interest onto the Parish.
About us: The historic village of Wetheral lies five miles east of Carlisle on the banks of the beautiful River Eden, above which our church is perched.
Wetheral Church has an enthusiastic and friendly congregation drawn from the villages of Wetheral and Great Corby, many of whom have been worshipping at the church for many years and who always extend a warm welcome to newcomers and visitors.
Our services: Our style of liturgy is generally traditional, with a robed celebrant using either the Book of Common Prayer or Common Worship, and with most services featuring traditional hymns and choral music led by our robed choir and organist. However we pride ourselves on providing a range of services, including a monthly Morning Worship service with more contemporary music and a less formal character.
Members of the congregation arrange the flowers, act as sidespeople/welcomers, operate the sound system, read the Old Testament and New Testament lessons, lead the intercessions, and act as chalice assistants during services.
The 11.15am Holy Communions, plus some evensongs and special services, are followed by refreshments (which can get quite elaborate on special occasions!) provided and served by members of the choir.
Our monthly service pattern is as follows:
1st Sunday of the month:
8.15am - BCP Holy Communion
6pm - BCP Choral Evensong with Robed Choir
2nd Sunday of the month:
11.15am - Common Worship Holy Communion with Robed Choir
3rd Sunday of the month:
11.15am - Morning Worship with Holme Eden Music Group
4th Sunday of the month:
11.15am - Common Worship Holy Communion with Robed Choir
5th Sunday of the month:
Joint Holy Communion with St Paul's Holme Eden (alternating churches)
Special Services: We have an annual Evensong for All Souls, a 9 Lessons and Carols service (featuring Wetheral Choir and the Eden Wild Goose Community Choir), and extra services such as a Christmas Crib Service, Midnight Mass, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil.
Music: We are blessed with an excellent organist and an enthusiastic and talented robed choir. The choir sings at three or four services per month, as well as at all the special services. If you're interested in joining our choir, please get in touch!
Other activities: The Church hosts the weekly Eden Wild Goose Community Choir rehearsals, and the monthly Tots Café, plus various fundraising events and concerts throughout the year, including summer picnics and music nights in the churchyard. These serve the important function of introducing members of the wider community to our wonderful church and its people.
2022 saw the installation of the Platinum Jubilee Path, which provides full step-free and wheelchair and pram-friendly access to the church, as well as being an attractive addition to our churchyard.
Parish name
Holy Trinity & St Constantine Wetheral
Parish code
Carlisle Diocese
Ferry Hill
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