Hanley Castle w Hanley Swan

Welcome to Hanley Castle w Hanley Swan

This Parish is registered with the Parish Giving Scheme which allows you to give to this Parish securely and safely online. Please click 'Regular Giving' to set up a monthly, quarterly, or annual Direct Debit or ‘One-Off Gift’ to make a single gift using your Debit, Credit Card or Apple/Google Pay wallet.

Welcome to the Parish of St. Mary’s, Hanley Castle with St. Gabriel’s, Hanley Swan. A regular gift to the churches enables us to continue the work of providing a continuing Christian presence in the villages through services in the church buildings and outreach in the community. Regular giving allows us to plan for the future ensuring the buildings are maintained and available for everyone and the clergy and lay teams have the resources to minister, not just the church community but to all the people of the parish.
Thank you for considering a regular gift to St. Mary’s and St. Gabriel’s. If you feel that the churches are an important witness to the love of God in these difficult times, please be as generous, and no more generous, than you feel able.

We are a friendly and welcoming church and active in reaching out to the local community.

For details of current services please visit our website, www.hopechurchfamily.org/calendar

We run a fun monthly craft-based group (Crafty Castles) for children and young people aged 6 - 16, an afternoon craft group for adults as well as a Women's Fellowship, a Lent Group and occasional 'Beer and Ethics' evenings.

In addition, we regularly host exhibitions for Heritage Open Days and a Nativity Exhibition during Advent and take part in Eco Church Events including Churches Count on Nature.

St Mary's Church works closely with St Gabriel's in Hanley Swan, and also St James, Welland. We also work with the other Church of England churches in the Hope Church Family. We do our best to support each other's events and share activities where it makes sense. To find out more, please visit our benefice website and follow the links there.

Apart from Easter, Christmas and occasional special Sundays like Remembrance Sunday, our service pattern is as follows:

First Sunday of the Month                    Evensong 6.30pm

Second Sunday of the Month              Holy Communion 8.00am

Third Sunday of the month                  All Age Service 11.00am

Fourth Sunday of the month               Holy Communion (BCP) 8.00am

Fifth Sunday of the Month Benefice Service - see calendar.

If you want to send us an email, please don't use the achurchnearyou system as it won't get to us quickly, instead email: [email protected].

If you have any concerns about the safety of a vulnerable child or adult please visit our safety page.

Parish name

St Mary

Parish code



Worcester Diocese


Church End
Hanley Castle



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