Welcome to Christ's Chapel of Alleyn's College Of God's Gift
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Christ's Chapel is in the parish of St Barnabas, Dulwich, and provides a second place of worship alongside the parish church. It is a beautiful 17th-century chapel, consecrated in 1616, and was among the first buildings constructed by Edward Alleyn, the celebrated Elizabethan actor, as his 'College of God's Gift'. The Book of Common Prayer and the Authorised Version of the Bible are used for almost all regular services in the Chapel. There is an 8am said service of Holy Communion each Sunday and either 10am sung Matins (first Sunday) or 6pm Evensong (subsequent Sundays, sung or choral), except during the summer, when there is only the 8am service.
Parish name
Christ's Chapel of Alleyn's College of God's Gift
Parish code
Southwark Diocese
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