Welcome to Carleton Rode: All Saints
This Parish has not as yet registered with the Parish Giving Scheme and as such unfortunately you are not yet able to set up a direct debit or make a one-off gift to this Parish. If you would like to in the future, please 'Register your interest' and we will convey your interest onto the Parish.
Our church has an active, friendly and lively congregation, with services taking place every 1st and 3rd Sunday at 9.30am, following Common worship. Most services are Holy Communion services but we have Morning worship occasionally.
If you visit our website on www.carletonrodeallsaints.co.uk you can find a full list of services together with more information about the history of our church and the work we undertake in our local community.
In addition to Sunday services, we have a midday (12 noon) prayer service every Friday in the church which is open to all.
Our church, is directly opposite the Primary school, who use the church regularly for services and we collaboratively work with the them on a number of events through the year including an annual Easter egg hunt and pancake race.
Our PCC is actively involved in organising many local community events including the annual village fete, village quiz, Christmas Fayre, Harvest supper and concerts.
We also have an active group of bell ringers who meet and practise weekly on a Wednesday evening from 7.30pm until 9pm.
If you would like to visit our beautiful church we are open daily from 10am until 4pm and would be delighted to have feedback through our visitors book.
For more information on our church and our activities please visit our website on www.carletonrodeallsaints.co.uk
Safeguarding at All Saints' Church, Carleton Rode
We follow the Diocese of Norwich policies on Safeguarding. Which can be viewed: https://www.dioceseofnorwich.org/training/safeguarding
The Parish Safeguarding and Vulnerable adults officer for Carleton Rode is Mrs Margaret Smith ([email protected])
Diocese of Norwich Safeguarding adviser is Sue Brice ([email protected])
Tel: 01603 882345 Ext no: 2210 Web: www.dioceseofnorwich.orgDiocesan House, 109 Dereham Road, Easton, Norwich, NR9 5ES
Parish name
Carleton Rode: All Saints
Parish code
Norwich Diocese
Carleton Rode
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