Bletchingdon St Giles

Welcome to Bletchingdon St Giles

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A warm welcome awaits you at St Giles', whether you are new to the village or have lived here for many years.

We have a strong relationship with our village school, which holds services in church, usually at the end of term, and members of the Ministry Team visit the school regularly. Children's workshops are held from time to time, as well as Family Services once a month. An annual service on the village green with Bletchington Silver Band is very popular.

Pastoral care is very important to us and individual members of the congregation are active in helping those in need in the village. We support several charities with collections and gifts from services and we occasionally have coffee mornings to raise money for major world disasters.

The cleaning and flower arranging are carried out by a rota of people and visitors often remark how well cared-for the church looks. We have a Friends of the Churchyard scheme and the two churchyards are also beautifully kept.

The church is normally open from during daylight hours. There is seating in the pews for approximately 150 people. There are extra chairs that can be put out at the back of the church to seat another 20.

Parish name

Bletchingdon - St Giles

Parish code



Oxford Diocese


Church Lane


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