Bedford All Saints

Welcome to Bedford All Saints

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We can confirm that All Saint Church is taking action to be compliant with the duty undersection 5 of the Safeguarding and Clergy Discipline Measure 2016 (duty to have due regard to House of Bishops' guidance on safeguarding children and vulnerable adults.

We have adopted House of Bishops Safeguarding Policies and Practice Guidance?

We have adopted 'Promoting a Safer Church' policy statement and 'Domestic Abuse' parish statement and will be available on our display board and website.

We comply with the Safer Recruitment Practice Guidance of July 2016

Merle Jackson shall continue to be our Safe Guarding officer and her contact details can be found on the notice in church or in the Safe Guarding Page on the Church Website.

As part of her role she reports annually to the PCC and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting

The PCC members have received Safe Guarding training within the last three months and we are in the process of rolling this out to other adult leaders and volunteers where it is deemed appropriate.

All children and adult leaders/volunteers been recruited safely and do they have DBS checks (refreshed every five years)?

We have adequate insurance cover for all activities involving children or adults undertaken in the name of the parish?

The Church has a system in place for flagging children for whom there are safeguarding concerns.

The Church has a robust training strategy in place with regard to delivering safeguarding training (both safeguarding children and safeguarding adults).

Parish name

All Saints Parish Church, Queens Park, Bedford

Parish code



St Albans Diocese


98 Iddesleigh Road, Queens Park, Bedford, Beds
MK40 4LQ


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