Welcome to Baulking: St Nicholas
This Parish has not as yet registered with the Parish Giving Scheme and as such unfortunately you are not yet able to set up a direct debit or make a one-off gift to this Parish. If you would like to in the future, please 'Register your interest' and we will convey your interest onto the Parish.
St Nicholas is a beguilingly simple church sitting at one end of the village green. It dates from the mid-thirteenth century, though naturally with a few later additions. Inside are remains of a series of fourteenth-century wall paintings thought to depict St George Slaying the Dragon and the Seven Corporal Acts of Mercy. The church is divided by an unusual stone chancel screen with stairs originally for access to the rood loft. In the eighteenth-century the roof was renovated, initials and the date of 1708 on one of the rafters being testament to this, and a recent addition of a servery and toilet, installed by local craftsmen, is the twenty-first century's contribution to the continuing life of the church building.
The church is open in daylight hours. There is off-road parking outside the church gate. Access to a toilet is available during services and events. The church is accessed by tarmac path. The entrance and the body of the church are all on one level. St Nicholas is a hospitable place and we welcome all visitors whether worshipping with us, attending one of our Folk music events or appreciating the church's calm and history.
Should you wish to help maintain St Nicholas with a donation, please follow the article in the News section; thank you.
Parish name
Baulking: St Nicholas
Parish code
Oxford Diocese
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